I have served on the programme committee for the Digital Resources in the Arts and Humanities and British Shakespeare Association conferences. I have advised on the development of the Royal Shakespeare Company's and Globe Theatre's web strategies and contributed documents to the websites of the British Library and the RSC to create a context for their online resources. In additional I have acted as a consultant to several other digital projects including the Hamlet Quarto Archive and the RSC’s 'Time for Change' project. I have been quoted in The Telegraph, The Guardian and The New York Times as an expert on Shakespeare and digital technology.
As a founding Member of the Standing Conference of University Drama Departments Information Technology Group (1996 – 2003), a Member of the Advisory Board for the Textual Studies CTI Centre, University of Oxford (1996-1999) and a Founding Member of the Advisory Board for the Performing Arts Data Service at the University of Glasgow (1996 – 2003) I have been regarded as a pioneer in the field of Digital Resource creation and preservation in the UK.
Recent Consultancies
- Working to create webinars and plans for new teaching resources with Digital Theatre Plus, 2020-22
- Meeting with the Artistic Director of the Craiova Shakespeare Festival, November 2019
- Case Study and focus groups which tested the use of Drama Online in the classroom, 2018-19
- Letter of Reference for the Globe to Globe Hamlet tour company for American Homeland Security, April 2016.
- Member of the Digital Economy Group of Creativeworks London which responded to government directives and organised meetings with private sector organisations, 2011-2016.
- Guest speaker and staff consultant for the Shakespeare and Indian cinema conference which was hosted by Asia House in London and involved screenings at the British Film Institute of three Indian adaptations of Shakespeare by the Bollywood Director Vishal Bhardwaj, April 2016.
- Advisory meeting to help to develop a plan for the new Arden 4 Shakespeare series at Bloomsbury’s Head office in Bedford Square, August 1st 2014.
- Focus group run by Cambridge University Press to discuss its digital plans for a future online Shakespeare resource, August 6th 2014.
- Digital education consultant for the Early Modern London Theatre bibliography project, REED (Records of Early English Drama), University of Toronto, 2009-2011
- Educational Consultant, Records of Early English Drama Middlesex/Westminster: Eight Theatres north of the Thames (AHRC, PI Prof. John McGavin, May 2007) and An online Learning Zone for the London Theatre Bibliography (SSHRC Canada, PI Prof. Sally-Beth MacLean, April 2010)
- CETL Liaison Officer (0.5), English Subject Centre, Jan 2006 – July 2007
- Network Participant and Steering Group member, Filming and Performing Renaissance History, 1500-1660 (AHRC, PI Prof. Mark Thornton Burnett, Dec. 2006)
- Advisory Board Member, An International Database of Shakespeare on Film, Television and Radio, (AHRC, PI Mr Murray Weston, May 2005)
- Research Support Officer (0.2), Faculty of Arts, July 2004- July 2005.
- Project Officer for C & IT (1.0), LTSN English Subject Centre, March 2003-May 2004.